North Location: (512) 346-3224 • South Location: (512) 243-8066

North Location: (512) 346-3224 • South Location: (512) 243-8066

Does Austin Area Birthing Center Offer Inductions?

Induction Options at Austin Area Birthing Center

At Austin Area Birthing Center, we understand that each pregnancy is unique, and we are here to support your journey toward a natural birth experience. You can give birth between 36 and 42 weeks at the birth center. We promote natural labor at 41 weeks and four days with natural induction techniques. 

Your Options to Promote Labor Naturally

We use natural methods to encourage labor without the use of Pitocin. Pitocin is a synthetic form of oxytocin, a natural hormone that can initiate and strengthen labor contractions. Pitocin is administered as an IV to intensify and hasten contractions. It is also used to prevent bleeding, which is known as postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). However, it can lead to additional medical issues, such as allergies and vomiting. Sometimes it can also lead to complications like seizures and uterine rupture.

We support labor naturally with methods like breast pumping, herbs, homeopathy, and castor oil. It aligns with our philosophy of minimal medical intervention and a supportive birthing environment. It brings a host of benefits to the mother and baby, such as less postpartum pain and faster recovery. Some people will benefit differently from different approaches, so make sure you first consult with your midwife before attempting any natural induction methods. 

Breast Pumping

Starting at 41 weeks and four days, we may recommend breast pumping every 30 minutes for 15-minute intervals. This method stimulates the production of oxytocin which is critical to induce labor.

Herbs and Homeopathics

These natural alternatives are gentle on both mother and baby and are customized to your health needs. We closely monitor your baby’s response to potential contractions throughout the induction process to ensure their well-being. If labor does not start the same day, we schedule another session the following day.

Castor Oil

As a last resort, we may recommend castor oil. This traditional remedy is used to stimulate the intestines when taken in small doses and increase uterine contractions. It’s crucial to use this method under the guidance of skilled midwives for safety and effectiveness. Otherwise, it can cause vomiting, nausea, and stress on the baby.

Transitioning to Hospital Care When Needed

If natural methods do not induce labor by 42 weeks, we arrange a transfer to a hospital where labor can be induced with Pitocin under careful medical supervision. 

Visit our website or YouTube channel to learn more about our services.