Sometime in the wee hours on March 3rd, I had a few pressure waves that woke me up. I didn’t really think anything of it. Logan woke up around 6, as usual. Kevin got up to get him. I told him I would get him because I couldn’t really sleep anyway, but Kevin kept going.
I tried to get back to sleep, but no dice. I had a few more pressure waves. They weren’t super strong, but they were enough to notice and make me take some really deep breaths until they passed. They were super irregular and kind of far apart–10-20 minutes. I got up finally and got dressed. Pressure waves continued. After a while downstairs, I went and got out my folder from my centering classes. I looked up signs of labor, pre-labor, early labor. Some of the info applied to me. However, I kept trying to convince myself that it was going to stop soon because I still had 2 weeks until my end.
After a while, I decided to try and take a bath downstairs. I hoped it would make things feel better. It didn’t really help. Pressure waves kept coming. At some point we decided to start timing. They were anywhere between 3-10 minutes apart, so nothing we could really work with. At this point, I called Lorri to let her know that she should keep her phone close. It could be labor, it could be nothing, I told her.
While all of this was going on, Kevin was great. He watched Logan. He finished packing our bag. He put the car seat it. He made sure we were ready to go.
Continue reading at: http://missjaybarsmind.wordpress.com/2012/03/08/birth-story-scarlet-grace/