North Location: (512) 346-3224 • South Location: (512) 243-8066

North Location: (512) 346-3224 • South Location: (512) 243-8066

Louisa Ava and Freya Elyse


Started with contractions at 4 am. I didn’t wake daddy yet in case it was Braxton hicks (I had been having them for weeks). By 8 am they were 5-8 mins apart. Daddy woke up and ate breakfast thinking they would stop. Then had to start rubbing my back as I sat on the birth ball. By 1 pm they were consistently 5 mins apart and I made him call the birth center so I could get in the tub. We got there and I was at 8 cm and in transition. They filled the tub and I zoned out with jets on my back and feet in the art room at the birth center. Daddy continued to give me water but started to get bored because mama was in the zone and focused. Each contraction I thought I can make it this minute but I don’t know about any more. I used the breathing technique of in the nose out the nose in the mouth out the mouth in the nose out the mouth in the mouth out the nose. Next thing I know I felt like pushing and ended up pooping in the tub. Felt my water break with a pop. Moved to the bed. Daddy held my hand as I pooped some more then it was time for you. I pushed about 45 mins. One time I said I can’t do this then I said alright turkey lets get you out. 1 push after your shoulders where out. You were born at 5:14 and cuter than I could imagine. I was so overwhelmed I had no clue what to think. You cried then sucked your thumb and pooped all over me twice. Daddy was so proud of both of us


We weren’t expecting you for at least another week. Big sister was 5 days late so no reason to think you would be 5 days early. You decided to be a Virgo instead of a Libra and not to wait on the family we had planned to visit. Around 8 pm my water broke starting a slow leak. Wasn’t sure if I should call the midwife or not but decided to just before bed. It was Vicki who delivered big sister, she said to just wait for contractions but she expected to hear from me in the morning. Daddy and Louisa fell asleep and contractions started. I realized you would be here soon. I stayed up in the recliner trying to sleep through contractions. Kept going to the bathroom for leaking water and the need to poop. Finally around 2am I pooped and debated on waking daddy. I decided he and Louisa should sleep and we probably have a little more time. Well around 3 I puked and felt your head. Woke up daddy and kept climbing in the tub thinking I was going to give birth at home. We called Vicki and she thought I was to aware and contractions were only 10 mins apart to no need to come in. Until I told her I threw up and felt like pushing. Well she met us 30 mins later. Susan met us to pick up Louisa. My water really broke in the car. Good thing I was wearing a towel (since I couldn’t put on pants). Daddy walked me in, got our stuff out of the car, and was there to hold my hand. You were born about 25 mins later in the art room (just like Louisa). Vicki said it was a really gentle birth. We were so excited to meet you but it was even better to bring you home to meet Louisa.