A week before my due date, I had been feeling VERY early labor pains at night with little to nothing during the day. Since these contractions were the same type I felt with my first son the day I went into labor, I just assumed things would progress in a similar fashion. Everything else about this pregnancy was similar to the last, so why would labor be any different?
Boy, was I wrong.
A week goes by, and I go in for my 40 week appointment. Not much progression. So little, in fact, that the midwife couldn’t offer me much more than starting some herbs to see if that could kick things into gear. By this point, I had done a whole long list of labor-inducing tricks, including acupuncture, long walks, spicy foods and eggplant parmesan. Same story every day. A few contractions at night. Nothing during the day.
Two days past due, I decided to stop anticipating labor and to keep on keepin’ on. I got my teeth cleaned that morning so I wouldn’t have to wait until after the baby. I went in for a reflexology treatment at Zen Well – best idea ever for my achy feet and shoulders. And that night, I went to my usual ashtanga class (extremely modified).
Continue reading at: http://www.findingdrishti.com/2014/04/bear-shark-the-longest-birth-story-ever/