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Why You Need Childbirth Education

Why You Need Childbirth Education

Preparing to welcome a baby as new parents can be equally delightful and overwhelming. While some parents are lucky enough to get guidance from people around them, it can always be beneficial to get a little support through childbirth education as you prepare for your journey to birth and beyond!

These classes can be super beneficial for new parents in many ways. Some of which include:

Empowerment and Confidence

Childbirth education classes focus on providing expectant parents with correct, updated information regarding childbirth and the days leading up to it. It helps parents discard myths and unnecessary fears that may arise from misinformation.

Learning correct information helps empower parents and gives them more confidence in their ability to have a beautiful birth experience. 

Informed Decision-Making

Knowing what to expect during birth and the days surrounding it can significantly facilitate informed decision-making for parents. 

You will have to make decisions regarding your birth team, if you want any particular setting in your birth suite, pain relief, and additional requests such as baby vaccinations, etc. Knowing all these options beforehand enables you to think ahead, do your research, and decide knowingly about what you want to do.

Understanding the Process

The idea of giving birth can be anxiety-inducing for new parents. Once they learn about the whole process, it becomes easier to comprehend and gives them a fair idea of what to expect.

Understanding the process of birth can be incredibly empowering. Finding out how amazing the body is and what it’s capable of can greatly encourage pregnant mothers and help them get through the whole ordeal with much more ease and a greater understanding of the changes they’re experiencing.

What Childbirth Education Covers

Some of the main topics covered during childbirth education include:

Anatomy and Physiology

Your body undergoes a series of different changes during pregnancy. These include physical changes as well as changes in how your body functions. Changes in your hormones can make you feel different according to the trimester you’re in.

In the initial trimester, you might feel morning sickness, constant fatigue, and lightheadedness as your body adjusts. 

Those symptoms lessen during the second trimester and you start to feel a change in your body. You may notice swelling in your feet, an increase in the size of your breasts, and you’ll begin growing a belly!

During the last trimester, your baby is growing so much and so is your body as your uterus expands to make room for your baby. 

Understanding these changes will make it easier for you to adapt to them as they come, without feeling out of place and confused. The classes explain these changes and their causes to help you comprehend them.

Labor and Delivery Techniques

In the later part of the classes, we discuss labor and delivery. We talk about the preparations you should make in the days leading to your due date.

We also talk about signs of labor, what you should do during the first stage, when you should head to the birth center, and more. 

We discuss different natural delivery techniques, natural ways to relax during labor, and recovery time. The idea is to give you a better understanding of the process and take away some of the fear that might surround you.

If you are interested in finding out more about the childbirth education classes we offer, check out our website