North Location: (512) 346-3224 • South Location: (512) 243-8066

North Location: (512) 346-3224 • South Location: (512) 243-8066

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Wellness Care for Life

Wellness Care for Life

At Austin Area Birthing Center, we understand that health should be prioritized at all ages, not just during pregnancy and birth.

Yes, pre-pregnancy and pregnancy-related care is very important and remains our top priority at the birth center. However, it is not the only time we can care for you.

Our philosophy includes health provisions for women of all age groups. This is why wellness care remains an integral part of our services.

Wellness Care includes

A wellness appointment is an overall health assessment specifically designed for women. The bottom line is, you can come see us for a regular check-up even if you’re not pregnant.

Each wellness appointment lasts for about an hour; it includes a thorough history, examination, and special testing if indicated.

It covers consultation and testing regarding essential topics such as:

  • Birth control: our healthcare providers can advise you regarding the best birth control option for you according to your health, requirements, and affectivity.
  • Problems with your menstrual cycle: irregular periods are a common cause of concern for women. We can review your symptoms and advise additional testing to help you maintain your health.
  • Family planning: if you plan to have a baby or have questions regarding your fertile window, etc, you can always discuss this during a well-woman visit. 
  • Pap smears: pap smears are advised for women in the reproductive age bracket yearly to detect early signs of cervical cancer. We can perform the test at the birth center and refer you for further care if needed.

We can also discuss other health conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension, and help you monitor them in conjunction with your doctor.

Who Qualifies For Care?

Any woman regardless of age or reproductive status qualifies for wellness care. We welcome every woman for a yearly appointment to make sure you remain healthy, and we can help you do it!

Ready to set up your appointment? Send us a message